About WE
"Educate a man and you educate one person;
educate a woman and you educate a whole nation" - An age old saying
An estimated 1.57 billion people, or more than 30% of the population of the 104 countries studied for the UN Human Development Report 2013, live in multidimensional poverty. Poverty is the largest and most serious development challenge facing India. Poverty is manifested not just in terms of lack of income but in deprivation in many dimensions. Children born into families that are poor are likely to inherit poverty. Women are disproportionately represented among those who are poor and additionally face deep rooted discrimination and gender specific barriers in access to health, education, work, assets and resources.
However, the overwhelming majority of labor that sustains life, for e.g.: growing crops, cooking food, raising children, caring for the elderly, maintaining a household, hauling water – is done by women, and universally this work is accorded low status and is primarily in the category of unpaid work. This ceaseless cycle of labor rarely shows up in economic analysis of a society's production and value. It is amazing that from an early age, women begin to learn about some of the finest human qualities such as dedication, compassion, consistency, hard work & honesty, which also happen to be the pillars of business. However they continue to be the most discriminated against, underprivileged and deprived section of our society.
The Bird Group has been supporting the Foundation to fulfill many dreams across the country. Under the auspices of the Bird Foundation the Group is organizing the "We" conference to bring eminent female achievers together on a common platform to discuss how their achievements can guide and influence the women of today.
The Foundation believes in taking active action, hence the conference would culminate with asking the audience to volunteer to the various causes supported. In the end it is not the quantity that matters; even one hour a day can make a difference to a life.